Hey-hey! How is your summer break going? Soon we are back on track! Are you prepared to start the new semester? Do not forget to attend semester opening parties! In Thomas Morus Heim it will take place in the beginning of September. We can’t wait to see you again and meet newcomers!
In our previous blog we talked about possible ways to spend the summer break in Vienna. We also mentioned that some students take on jobs or internships to collect some financial means. But is it only about financial means?
In fact, summer job is your chance to win many things at the same time.
- First, it is a great opportunity to gain experience in your filed of expertise. At university we receive a solid basis of knowledge but the corporate world requires some specific knowledge which can be gained sometimes only at the workplace itself.
- Second, while working at a company, you can meet many people and connect with them, which would mean a start to building your network. Such network will be helpful in the future, when you search for a full-time job.
- Third, this network could be a source of new friends, since often companies employ several students at the same time, so you could meet young people with the same interests as you have.
- Fourth, a summer internship gives you a valuable line in your CV, which again might assist you on the job market in the long-term. Some students think that they would receive only easy tasks like sorting documents or printing them. It is not true. Many companies actually seek for help with routine tasks which could include up until market or data analysis.

Moreover, during these tasks one could look over shoulder of the older colleagues and see how their job looks like. This is priceless opportunity to broaden your horizon in terms of different possibilities in your field and to find something that interests you the most.
Furthermore, summer internships might help you to explore different corporate cultures and define the best one for yourself. Trust me, feeling comfortable at your workplace does not depend on your salary, but on the team and the company spirit.
Finally, working in the summer while others enjoy their vacation is a challenge and opportunity to train your discipline. This quality will give you a competitive advantage in front of other students.
To sum up, summer internship is a great opportunity to:
- Improve your CV
- Gain hands on experience
- Build a network
- Earn some money
- Meet new people
- Find your field of interest
- Get familiar with corporate cultures
- Challenge yourself and train discipline

Now you know all advantages of the summer internship. Think and decide how you want to spend your next summer!
Best wishes,
Vlada Petrova